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harmonize your health

with Brain Integration

Image by Kunj Parekh

You Are Wonderfully Made!

Our approach to your wellness first and foremost gives credit to the Creator in that, we are masterfully designed. We trust the Creator and His design. Our beautiful body has built-in healing mechanisms that start in the Brain. When life happens, sometimes these mechanisms get stuck. At Harbour Health Harmony, we seek to aid your whole body in safely addressing the root causes to your ailments - mentally, emotionally & physically thus allowing you to "make friends" with your brain. Safety is our priority and it is important to us that you feel dignified during your session. We strongly believe that everyone deserves to feel loved, approved and acknowledged.


As a Certified Brain Coach and together with you, we gently prompt the brain, allowing you to safely come out of fight or flight. From there, we coach your brain, by providing it with the necessary tools your brain needs to facilitate release, repair, self-respect, restoration and reconciliation resulting in an integrated brain.


What do we mean by Brain Integration?

Simply put, our Brain Integration method improves brain function allowing for different regions of your brain to work together in processing information and effectively respond. Research on Neuroplasticity suggests that the brain can change. The key to change, however is accepting your freedom of choice. Therefore, it is important to us that you are educated on the what and why for each phase of the session. You are contributing to the improvement of your well-being.


How does Brain Integration improve your aches & pains? 

There are 4 aspects of well-being - Spiritual*, Mental, Emotional, Physical. They are interrelated.

We help you understand that if your limbic system, which is key to your Emotional well being, isn't properly functioning, then this could cause the rest of your mind [Mental] and body [Physical] to have poor communication. We coach you during the session so that you have a better understanding of how this works and how you can move through life with more clarity, balance and modesty.


Have more questions? Check out our FAQs



*g 6/10 pp. 4-6 We do not perform spiritual healing

About Me

Hi, my name is Jasmine and Welcome to Harbour Health Harmony! Why the name Harbour Health Harmony? You may ask. Well, those who know me, know these words have to have some significance. HHH was formed in June 2022, after looking for a professional change for some time. And boy did I make a complete 180. I went from the construction field to alternative health. The word Harbour meant something to me in construction as someone who provided a place of shelter for another. Through my designs, I did just that. But now, Harbour had new meaning. It now meant to have in mind a thought or feeling. I encourage my clients to have in mind the thought of Health Harmony, first and foremost through gratitude. “Regular practice of gratitude can change the way our brain neurons fire into more positive automatic patterns.” A grateful person is a happier person.* Gratitude literally has the ability to change your brain thus achieving more harmonious health. My journey to becoming an alternative health practitioner began in 2018, when I got certified as an Aroma Freedom Practitioner. Really, to help myself, as I had hit a brick wall in life. I quickly thought this could be beneficial to help others. But, sometimes we try to run before we can walk. I needed more time.

I went on to complete the first Tier of Biomagnetic Adjustment in November of 2020. Tier two in April 2021. Tiers three & four in June 2022. Honestly, I wouldn't be where I'm at today if it wasn't for the friends & practitioners who didn't give up on me. I am grateful to my Creator for you. One of the biggest game changers for me in my journey was taking BrainPassion Institute's Certificate Course in May 2023. The education and tools were fundamental to getting to the root cause of some deep emotional layers for me and my clients.

I geek out about the human brain and when my clients shift during the session I've been known to break out in a happy dance. We will forever be learning and it's important to me to stay curious about the works of our Creator. Lastly, something that I've come to learn and value as key to safety are Boundaries. Every living thing has boundaries that need to be respected in order for there to be peace. Respecting your boundaries and the growing process is crucial and something I hold in high regard. I look forward to working with you!​​​​​


​- Jasmine


*w19 December pp. 28-29​

Image by Brad West
Image by Ulf Bodin

About My Certifications

What is a
Brain Coach?

What is 
Biomagnetic Adjustment?

What is
Aroma Freedom?

A Brain Coach educates & uses the BrainPassion tool - an Emotional Regulation Protocol to rewire a Client’s emotional brain, helping them to balance and synchronize their hormones and autonomic nervous system. We teach people how to understand and work with their Brain. BrainPassion Institute's Coaching Certification program was for Practitioners and Professionals who would like to maximize their clients results by addressing their emotional needs. Unfortunately, BrainPassion Institute is not offering their Certification Program at this time.*


*Remnants of BrainPassion Institute's mission & program can be found on Instagram @brainpassioninstitute

Biomagnetic Adjustment is an effective, non-invasive therapy that uses the North polarity of magnets solely, to help re-establish harmony to the body by normalizing ph levels so that the body can perform as it was designed on a cellular level. It aids in reducing inflammation. By using the north polarity of magnets, we can recreate the effects that we would get if we were in constant contact with the earth and being grounded. The earth is the ultimate north polarity magnet that we need to be in contact with. Modern life doesn't afford us the opportunity to be as connected to the earth. We need the negative charge from the ground to offset the constant absorption of positive charges in our modern world whether it be from electronics to toxins in our environment or even stress. 


The science behind BMA is simply phenomenal. Biomagnetics is not a pseudo-science. It is a science with years of conclusive clinical studies, experiments and use. The techniques of BMA aid in wellness. By applying the natural energy from the North polarity side of a magnet, the electrical condition of a specific problem area can be efficiently adjusted into a normal functioning condition. Naturally, the biochemical activity of the cells follow suit by performing at a normal harmonizing energy and healthy circuiting. This allows for the body's functions to operate properly, causing a return to normal health & harmony. The magnet simply puts the proper charge into the body so it has the energy to perform the functions the body cannot in its unwell state perform. 


Biomagnetic Adjustment Therapy is the ONLY magnetic therapy that uses solely the north side. It is also the only magnet therapy that takes ALL hygienic precautions necessary so that there is no energetic contamination and energetic contagion between clients as well as between client and vitalist. Visit to learn more about this unique modality and courses offered.


See our testimonials. The results speak for themselves!

*This modality is not performed remotely*

The Aroma Freedom Technique uses pure Essential Oils, combined with proven psychological principles, to quickly and gently dissolve the negative thoughts, feelings and memories that hold people back. The practitioner coaches a person through this process using the principles of Memory Reconsolidation, which has been studied by modern Neuroscience as the natural way that the brain updates learning.*



*The course material has changed since my certification

Services & Fees

hourly rates do not include NJ sales taxes

Initial Consultation

$275 for the first 90 mins

$125 for each additional hr


*20-min free consult req'd to book &

does not include out of state travel fee

Follow Up




*does not include out of state travel fee

See FAQs

Love & Compassion


Request a Free 20-Minute Consultation

Thanks for reaching out! You will hear back from us within 24-48 hours.


It has been an amazing journey and rewarding experience for me by clearly recognizing first hand how powerful and beautifully made our brain is. It was mind blowing to learn how by educating my brain through this unique therapy style I've had relief and healing of a lifetime of so many traumas endured. These negative traumas have locked themselves within my joints, organs and my mind causing pain, inflammation, diseases, depression, sadness, etc. Through the sessions I've learned to navigate my mind and manage my thoughts to better care for my body. So grateful first of all to the Creator because of how beautifully he has made us. Also, to Jasmine for all her love, support and all the healing relief throughout my experience!

I should have met her years ago.

- Evelyn Z

"A heart that is joyful does good as a curer..."

Proverbs 17:22 NWT



Where is your office?

Currently, we see clients in the comforts of their own home. It helps to reduce any post session hassle that may come from your travel home. This does mean, however, that we have to include an out of state travel fee of $80 for every 2 hrs of travel to your place of residence outside of the state of New Jersey. It is our goal to be in an office in the near future. At which time, we will eagerly welcome you to visit and will still be open to home visits, if preferred.

What Can I Expect From My Session?

We want to get to know you, your health history and answer any questions you may have. We will start your first session by doing just that. It's important to us too, that you feel comfortable working with us. During your session you will be able to relax in a peaceful environment, as we seek to help you attain your desired results by means of the Polysnaptic Muscular Response (PMR aka muscle testing)*. We will obtain the reason for your ailment and pinpoint where in your body harmony needs to be reestablished. Using the PMR we will locate where we need to place clean, therapeutic grade magnets and/or frequency based tools on your body to neutralize the positive charges in the indicated area and establish pH balance naturally. What is discovered during the session will be discussed with you and what you can do to aid in your wellness.


*For more information on the science behind PMR,



What Can I Expect After My Session?

"Healing" isn't in a straight line. What this means is that some times we equate wellness with feeling good all the time. However, when we think of the change that a caterpillar goes through to transform into a beautiful butterfly, we understand that this takes time, effort, and a little discomfort but the outcome is well worth it. This modality safely works with the needs of each person to get to the root cause of the reported ailment and work to eliminate it. Naturally, relief may be found when this has been accomplished. How long that may take varies and how you feel after a session may differ from the next person. You are unique. We do not claim to cure. Your relief is a team effort. You can find greater success, when you work in harmony with your treatment by making the needed diet & lifestyle adjustments to compliment your session. 

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